Curran Christmas Missive 2018
Going through last years letter prior to writing this update, its fun to see how much of the anticipated change has played out. Yet the broad strokes of family life remain the same.
We have been in Cape Town for a year now! I still feel a fraud singing the city’s praises like I’m a local, but it is starting to feel familiar. The ‘big city’ move has been good for us — though we have only managed a tiny amount of exploring.
In some of the more stressful moments at work this year I have had to remind myself that we’re on the back foot — new city, new jobs, new kid. Albeit much of that disruption has been offset by the huge blessing of our now close proximity to Cath’s folks.
Will was born on the 23 May, and has just passed the 7 month mark. He is a cutie — Cath has vetoed all of my nicknames for him, the majority of which reference his chunky build. He is fascinated by the antics of his older brother and is always ready with a coy grin. Always. Even at 02h00 in the morning.
Jack is 2 and a half now. He spends much of his days testing our limits, which wouldn’t be a problem except that he often finds them. He has started narrating his existence with brief phrases. Its been fascinating to see a young human picking words to describe things we take for granted. He remains a little annoyed that Will is a fixture, but balances it with moments of brotherly kindness. He has started going to play school for a couple of days a week at a great place conveniently on my route to work.
Before we arrived in January, I was able to secure a job working in an operational role for a partnership of about a hundred churches scattered around the world. The staff team is very small and so I have found myself in my preferred position… taking a swing at a wide array of projects and responsibilities.
Being the new guy on the team at work has been stretching. I was part of the furniture in East London, but 2018 has been a year of introductions. I am happy to say the season is easing a little with new relationships gaining traction. More than that, after some opportunities to travel in the second half of the year I have established an array of new friendships with people all over the world.
Cath has had a stop start work experience, with 5 months to get established, only to hit pause for maternity leave. As she has been taking whatever work comes up, she regularly arrives at new hospitals for a shift and spends the first 20 minutes finding the theatre.
As we enter 2019 she has managed to secure a post in the public hospital complex for 2 days a week, and alternates between two paediatric surgeons for a morning a week. This allows her some good time at home with the boys too.
Our family life has been characterized by visits to a number of local parks and public gardens. I have so appreciated the greater care of public amenities in Cape Town, and they have been a life saver on weekends with the boys. I have also joined an evening trail running group at Newlands forest which is a treat after a day behind the computer.
2018 has felt like a whirlwind experience of first times, introductions, bad sleep and house renovations. Cath and I are looking forward to being more involved in our church community in the new year, and to have more time to sow into new friendships. We have so much to explore in the city and can’t wait to get out there to do it.